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在八卦中·乾三爻突變於一坤·寓意著將有天變。畫中的三爻依卦象排列·矗立於畫心·而其右的「天一」與橫倏前景的「地二」 應聲相擊·是為天災人禍·大凶。天變後·「金」能出「土」·遂以其色表現天地的錯置·而天變後的腥風血雨·更滿佈整個畫幅 的背景·無不讓觀者觸目驚心。
In this painting the artist employs the idea of the permutation of Ch'ien ( 三 ) in the Pa Kua to depict its impact with K‘un ( 三三 ). As the vertically thrice-rendered Ch’ien (Heaven) collapsed into a horizontal K‘un (Earth), it is believed to be an omen of disaster - an impending Armageddon.
With a bloody color in the background, this expressionist image really endows the viewer with a striking visual impact.
在八卦中·乾三爻突變於一坤·寓意著將有天變。畫中的三爻依卦象排列·矗立於畫心·而其右的「天一」與橫倏前景的「地二」 應聲相擊·是為天災人禍·大凶。天變後·「金」能出「土」·遂以其色表現天地的錯置·而天變後的腥風血雨·更滿佈整個畫幅 的背景·無不讓觀者觸目驚心。
In this painting the artist employs the idea of the permutation of Ch'ien ( 三 ) in the Pa Kua to depict its impact with K‘un ( 三三 ). As the vertically thrice-rendered Ch’ien (Heaven) collapsed into a horizontal K‘un (Earth), it is believed to be an omen of disaster - an impending Armageddon.
With a bloody color in the background, this expressionist image really endows the viewer with a striking visual impact.